Monday, February 13, 2006

Update: Website Changes

*edit* Internet Explorer users will notice some (Internet Explorer-specific) errors. This is due to how it interprets cascading style sheets. We're trying to work around it. In the meantime, we suggest you use the fast, safer, and better "Firefox" (

Our previous website was a little cumbersome to update, and did not emphasize Glendon's role in the future of the World University Service of Canada organization at York University. Changes in our new website include:

- Increased exposure for Glendon & Keele
- To visualize the close ties we share
- A clean, refreshing feel
- Community Help bulletin
- Automated listserv subscription
- Online feedback form
- Sponsored Student Profile(s)
- Updated executive list
- Prominent International Seminar section
- FAQ (in process)

We hope you will take a moment to visit our website:

Click Here

Please provide us with your comments, suggestions, ideas, or complaints. Thank you for your continued interest in our local committees.

- Kevin
Keele committee
York University


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